What is the Circular Economy and How Do We Get It?
The Circular Economy Action Plan was adopted by the EU Commission in 2015 is important because it address sustainable use of resources...

Back to School Special on Environment Regulations?
Is your company prepared for the new California Prop 65 labeling requirements coming into force August 31, 2018? If you can say yes, move...

What's Up with Nanomaterials and Do We Still Care about Conflict Minerals?
For nanomaterials, the European REACH Committee has voted to amend their annexes to explicitly address nanoforms of substances. Think...

Phthalates banned for all toys?
Entry 51 of the EU REACH Annex XVII restricts the use of 3 phthalates - BBP, DBP and the very popular DEHP from use in toys and childcare...

What's up with 2018 REACH Registration?
Are companies sufficiently concerned about the 2018 REACH registration deadline? Per the 2015 ECHA Roadmap for REACH compliance, May 31st...

Chemical Compliance vs. Regrettable Substitution – how easy is it for companies to do the right thin
The concept of a circular economy, whereby products at the end-of-life are recycled or ‘up cycled’ is emerging as a desired outcome and a...

What's New for RoHS?
I took this video of friends on their new Surf boat – what a cool example of new technology. Also, something potentially designated as a...

What the new EU product regulations on communication of hazardous substances mean to your company?
ECHA released Version 4.0 of the guidance for companies putting products on the market in Europe that may contain substances of very high...

Excellent Automotive Sustainability meetings in Europe
B Cubed Consulting had the opportunity to attend and present at some automotive product stewardship meetings as well as see old friends...
Why GM may be able to do what Apple cannot – sell a car produced in China!
Apple got into the car business with a big splash in 2014, hired hundreds of employees and took on the automotive industry with an...