B Cubed
Office: 4068 Overlook Trail Dr., Roanoke, VA 24018
Phone: 1-7658603481
email to: B3@bcubedconsulting.com
Consulting Services
Company Assessment Projects
Risk Assessments help companies determine their exposure to problems. A Product Stewardship risk assessment will evaluate company structure, tools, and resources addressing product compliance, and assess the ability and effectiveness to meet customer and regulatory requirements. A Materials Substitution assessment can be targeted to product(s) for a given legislation or customer. Your company's Conflict Minerals program may or may not be meeting your current customer needs. An assessment will identify due diligence gaps and recommend actions to prepare for the future - whether that's customer audits, listing of ALL smelters in your supply chain or the need to respond about a product chemical compliance at the part number level.
Brenda's deep materials engineering expertise and extensive network of agency and industry contacts make her an unbeatable resource. She can help any company quickly and efficiently navigate through the complexity of Substance of Concern, REACH, End-of-Life Vehicle, and Conflict Minerals issues.
Mark Hester
Corporate Attorney

California Prop 65
Material Substitution
Product Stewardship Activities
Conflict Minerals Program
Compliance Risk
Turnkey Data Collection, Assessment, and Customer Communication Services NEW
Perhaps you don't want to use internal resources on this at all! Or you're under a time crunch and want outside help to establish and run a program. BCubed has partners that can quickly be set-up to perform the 'back-end' work such as contacting your relevant suppliers and obtain compliance data in your preferred format. Or train an outside team to be responsive to your customers for product-level statements or full material content data. Consider letting BCubed help you select the appropriate platform to maximize resources and assure all legislated and customer deadlines are addressed.
Go to Contact Page for Quote
Compliance Help Desk
For after the assessment is over, or if you just need occasional help or updates with emerging or new requirements, contact me. I'll provide quick turnaround and you'll have an expert on staff.
Blocks of time can be acquired so that your Engineers, Sales, or Purchasing staff can just email a question. Presentations and references to publically available sites and resources will be provided, as required.

Legislation clarifications and applicability
Help with customer inquiries
Conflict Minerals Templates (CMRT) assistance
For after the assessment is over, or if you just need occasional help or updates with emerging or new requirements, contact me. I'll provide quick turnaround and you'll have an expert on staff.
Blocks of time can be acquired so that your Engineers, Sales, or Purchasing staff can just email a question. Presentations and references to publically available sites and resources will be provided, as required.
Quarterly or Yearly updates on Impacting Legislation
Maybe it would be beneficial to have me brief your responsible engineers on the latest updates for REACH or RoHS and industry group advocacy or initiatives relating to your companies products.
We can set up a program that fits your company's needs. If you are a small player, you may need subject matter expertise to get something off the group and occasional help. If you are a mid-size supply chain partner getting pulled in multiple directions by a diverse customer base, I can help you pull together an effective internal team. And then keep the right goals and deliverables in the forefront without costing an arm and a leg.
reach out and get the
Best Advice
Why not ask questions of the person who's been sitting at the table discussing the environmental topics of the day with the best minds in industry! Benefit from over 20 years of history of how legislation emerged, what are the main goals and implementation roadblocks, and how to get your company team on the right track.

I've got a roapmap for how to take a company into the next phase - true compliance and piece of mind that the critical risks are being addressed.
So, if you've got customers asking about "SVHCs" (substances of very high concern) or "Conflict Minerals" or "lead-free exemptions in Europe", why not contact me and Let's Talk!